Friday, October 26, 2012

Theme 1

The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) is one of the oldest web-based Internet studies scholarly journals. It publishes work by scholars in communication, political science, sociology, media studies etc. (

I chose the research article 'The fifth estate emerging through the network of networks' (2009) written by William Dutton, in: Prometheus 27 (1): 1-15.
Dutton talks about the new institutions of the Network Society: new technologies and new media lead to the appearance of new forms of democracy, such as the 'fifth estate', a network community. Dutton's discussion of the role of the Internet and related technologies is distinguished into three stages:
- Internet as ephemeral technological innovation,
- Internet as a destruction of hierarchies, or a mean of a total control,
- Internet as a network of networks, which allows different combinations to establish links between individuals and groups.
The research is based on the various theoretical, philosophical and social works (from M. Castells to T. Blair) and a historical analysis. Its aims are the proposition of Dutton's hypothesis and the intoduction of a new term, which became quite popular among social media researchers nowadays.

Bertrand Russel - The Problems of Philosophy

According to Russel, 'sense-data' means the things that are immediately known in sensation as an individual personal feeling. The object cannot be identical with the sense-datum, so, the facts that we know about the subjects are our personal feelings, not the ideal universal information.

Russel introduces this notion to give a better understanding of his philosophical structure, which separates 'knowledge of things' and 'knowledge of truths'. Knowledge of things is divided on knowledge by description which needs the basis of certain 'truth' knowledge, and knowledge by acquaintance which doesn't need logical conclusions and based on the sense-data.

The proposition is an obvious but abstract fact, like 'two and two are four', something we know without sensual experience. All 'a priori' knowledge deals exclusively with the relations of universals.

The statement of fact mean statements about particular objects/facts, not the idea of them. The belief is true when corresponds to the fact, and false if it doesn't.
Facts are something that has been experienced in acquaintance. We can have knowledge by description of things which we have never experienced, but this would be propositions.

'Definite description' is any phrase of the form 'the so-and-so', which is having a certain property and we do not have knowledge of the same object by acquaintance.
The phrase of the form 'the so-and-so' (in the singular) is called an a 'definite' description. The example of this as follows: 'a man' is an ambiguous description, and 'the man with the iron mask' is a definite description, or 'a man as any person' or 'this particular man'.

Russell duscusses theories of a priori knowledge which is not purely or not purely 'analytic'. He disagrees with rationalists who state 'a priori' as a mental general knowledge, and partly agrees with Plato's 'theory of ideas' as an attempt to solve this problem, but criticizes the idea of universals, even when this complex idea is a basis of many theories, such as monism (Spinoza, Bradley), monadism (Leibniz).
He points out that the universals are represented by adjectives and substantives, and there must be relations which are not dependent upon thought, but belong to the independent world which the thought apprehends but does not create.
His conclusion is that while many different thoughts of particular sense have in common their object, this object itself is different from all of them.


  1. Katya,
    do you have this "fifth estate" in your home country? and is it actually possible to establish it?

  2. Marina, we more than have it in Russia! There are no tools to establish it, as it is not the organisation, but natural community.

    Civil journalism is very active in Russia, people discuss things online, argue with media and government, and there are no censorship on the Internet, that makes this type of democracy quite real and exciting.

  3. Hi Girls!
    I think I maybe have seen some similar discussion in the Social Media Technology course which I believe you are now taking. I was very surprised to think that the notion of total freedom and democracy in the Internet is not really real.

    Some rules from our society influence the way the networks develop online and big corporations tend to prevail as they are the biggest hubs that creates most of the traffic with the highest number of incoming and out coming links. Also the government can try to impose some rules and filter content, like in China.

    Although I do agree with you when saying that the individuals are important players in the content production. Examples like the Egypt’s "Facebook Revolution" make it very clear on how the Internet empower people.

    The book Alone Together from Sherry Turkle ( is very interesting considering our role in a network society. I don't agree with some parts of if, because I think the author overreacts to some uses of technology, but it is still very good. ;)

  4. • In the third stage of Dutton’s paper Internet is presented as a network of networks, what do you think about that? I believe that as the years pass the internet is becoming more and more powerful and its presence in our lives in becoming more and more necessary. Everyone owns a connection of internet so everyone (individuals and groups) can establish a link with anyone he wants.

  5. I’v heard in a lot of courses that hierarchies doesn’t exist on the Internet. I know what those who says it mean and they are probably referring to that you can be anonymous or use aliases in different communities to hide who you really are. Or that everyone has the same right to speak and it’s only the content that matters. But there’s still online bullying and not only from people that know each other from the ”real world”. I often read comments on Aftonbladet website (major news paper in Sweden) and the same people are always commenting on the same subject, e.g. it’s always the same peoples that comment on news about football. In these comments fields, there are sometimes a bunch of people that gather together agains one single person and sometimes even before this single person has written something because this group are already speculating what this guy is going to write about. So I do think that the hierarchies does exist in some sense.

  6. You mentioned that ‘there are no censorship on the Internet, that makes this type of democracy quite real and exciting’. We did a group project a few weeks ago and found out that one of the most popular blog platform in Russian-speaking countries LiveJournal is blocked for some reasons in China, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. Therefore, in my opinion, it depends on the country and government and the censorship exists.
